Modern History of India GK Questions:Advent of Europeans-Part 2

Previous Year Paper SSC Modern History Advent of Europeans-Part2


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Advent of Europeans-Part 2

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Advent of Europeans and commencement of Modern History of India.

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers in English on Advent of Europeans.Q6. The first to come and last to leave India were

1. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Lord Dalhousie: Doctrine of Lapse
B. Lord Minto : Indian Council of Act, 1909
C. Lord Wellesley : Subsidiary Alliance
D. Lord Curzon : Vernacular Press Act, 1878

Lord Curzon : Vernacular Press Act, 1878

Note: It was Lord Lytton who passed Vernacular Press Act, which aided to control the printing and circulation of any such material which could produce dissatisfaction against the British Government  in India.

2. Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?
A. Columbus :1492
B. Vasco Da Gama : 1498
C. Magellan :1520
D. Balboa :1530

Balboa :1530

Note: Vasco Nunez de Baloba crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513, becoming the first European to lead an expedition to have seen or reached the Pacific from the New World.

He travelled to the New World in 1500 and later some exploration, settled on the island of Hispaniola. He founded the settlement of Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien in present day Panama in 1510 which was the first European settlement on the mainland of the Americans.

3. The province of Bengal was partitioned into two Parts in 1905 by?
A. Lord Lytton
B. Lord Ripon
C. Lord Dufferin
D. Lord Curzon

Lord Curzon

Note: Lord Curzon did separate the largely Muslim Eastern areas from the largely Hindu Western areas, so to effect 'divide and rule' properly, announced the partition of Bengal in July 1905.

4. The correct chronological order in which the British established their trading centre in the places mentioned below is?
A. Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Surat
B. Bombay, Madras, Surat, Calcutta
C. Surat, Madras, Bombay, Calcutta
D. Surat, Madras, Calcutta, Bombay

Surat, Madras, Bombay, Calcutta

Note: 1613-14: British East India Company set-up trading port at Surat. In 1639, The local king of Madras granted the Company a lease. In 1662, King Charles II of England was given Bombay as dowry after marrying the Portuguese Princess.

In 1667,The English obtained the royal Farman to trade in Bengal from the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.

The three small villages in the east of India called Sutanati, Gobindapore and Kalikata were renamed to Calcutta in 1690.

5. The transfer of government from the 'Company' to the Crown was declared by Lord Canning(1st November 1858) at?
A. Calcutta
B. Delhi
C. Patna
D. Allahabad


Note: Lord Canning, the first Viceroy of India held a durbar at Allahabad in which he not only declared the assumption of power by queen Victoria, but also the transfer of authority from the company to the Crown.

6. The first to come and last to leave India were?
A. The Portuguese
B. The French
C. The English
D. The Dutch

The Portuguese

Note: The Portuguese can be said to have visited India in 1498, when Vasco da Gama set his foot on Calicut (Malabar Coast).

Portuguese India, name used for those parts of India which were under Portuguese rule from 1505 to December 1961.

The last European ruler to leave India in 1961 was the Portuguese. On 19 December 1961, the Indian Army liberated Goa, Daman, and Diu from the Portuguese possession and joined India.

7. Which one of the following was not a French settlement in India?
A. Puducherry
B. Mahe
C. Goa
D. Chandarnagar


Note: Goa is former Portuguese colony, the Portuguese overseas territory of Portuguese India existed for about 450 years until it was annexed by India in 1961.

In 1510, the Portuguese defeated the ruling Bijapur Kings with the help of a native, Timayya, leading to the establishment of a permanent settlement in Velha Goa.

8. Who is generally acknowledged as the pioneer of local self-government in modern India?
A. Ripon
B. Mayo
C. Lytton
D. Curzon


Note: Lord Ripon's resolution of 18th May,1882 is hailed as the Magna Carta of government and got for him the title of "father of local self-government in India". The resolution of local self-government recognised the twin considerations of local government.

i. Administrative efficiency and

ii. Political Education.

The Ripon Resolution, which focused of towns, provided for local bodies consisting of a large majority of elected non-official members and presided over by a non-official chairperson.

9. The English established their first factory at?
A. Bombay
B. Surat
C. Sutanati
D. Madras


Note: Surat was the first centre of maritime trade and caravans started from it for all the inland parts of India. It is from Surat that the English extended their inland trading operations .

By 1616 built subordinate factories between 1601 and 1613, merchants of the East India Company took twelve voyages to India and in 1609 William Hawkins arrived at the court of Jahangir to seek permission to establish a British presence in India.

Hawkins was rejected by Jahangir, but Sir Thomas Roe, who presented himself before the Mughal emperor in 1617, was rather more successful. Two years later, Roe gained Jahangir's permission to build a British factory in Surat and in 1639, this was followed by the founding of Fort St.George(Madras).

10. Permanent Revenue Settlement of Bengal was introduced by?
A. Clive
B. Hastings
C. Wellesley
D. Cornwallis


Note: Permanent Settlement was introduced in Bengal, Bihar, Odisha and districts of Banaras and Northern districts of Madras by Lord Cornwallis in 1793. John Shore planned the permanent settlement.

It declared Zamindars as the owners of the land. Hence, they could keep 1/11th of the revenue collected to themselves while British got a fixed share of 10/11th of the revenue collected. The Zamindars were free to fix the rents.

11. Goa was captured by the Portuguese in the year?
A. 1508
B. 1608
D. 1610


Note: The Portuguese conquest of Goa occurred when the governor Afonso de Albuquerque captured the city in 1510 from Adil Shahis. Goa was Portugal's first territorial possession in Asia, and it served as the main Portuguese base in the East for four and a half centuries.

After failure of diplomacy with the Portuguese, Government of India ordered the Indian Armed Forces to take Goa by force. In a military operation conducted on 18 and 19 December 1961, Indian troops captured Goa with little resistance.

The governor-general of Portuguese India signed an instrument of surrender.

12. Which of these battles proved decisive in the Anglo-French rivalry in India?
A. Battle of Wandiwash
B. Battle of Assaye
C. Battle of Chillianwala
D. Battle of Seringapatnam

Battle of Wandiwash

Note: Battle of Wandiwash,(22nd January, 1760), in the history of India, was a confrontation between the French, under the Comte de Lally and the British, under Sir Eyre Coote.

It was the decisive battle in the Anglo-French struggle in southern India during the Seven Years' War (1756–63).). This was the Third Carnatic War fought between the French and the British.

13. Which of the following European Colonisers did not have a settlement on the Eastern coast of India?
A. French
B. Portuguese
C. Dutch
D. Danish


Note: The Eastern Coastal Plains refer to a wide stretch of landmass of India, laying between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal.

It stretches from Tamil Nadu in the South to West Bengal in the North. Of all the foreigners who established themselves on the Malabar coast, the Danish were the least successful.

The limited resources of Denmark, with its inadequate manpower, were no match for those of their fellow traders like the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English.

14. Which of the following events made the English India Company the legitimate masters of the Bengal Suba?
A. Battle of Buxar, 1764
B. Battle of Plassey, 1757
C. Farrukh Siyar's Farman, 1717
D. Ibrahim Khan's Farman,1690

Battle of Buxar, 1764

Note: Battle of Buxar was fought on 23rd October, 1764 between the British forces and the armies of Mir Qasim, emperor Shah Alam II and Shuja-ud-Daula, Nawab of Awadh in Buxar. The Britishers emerged victorious in this battle and finally the power of British become unchallenged.

The prime victim Shah Alam II, signed the Treaty of Allahabad that secured Diwani rights for the company. The Treaty of Allahabad heralded the establishment of the rule of the East India Company in one-eight of India proper with a single stroke.

The battles of Plassey and Buxar secured a permanent foothold for the British East India Company in the rich province of Bengal and secured its political ascendancy in the entire region later to be named India.

15. Who among the following controlled maximum trade in the Western coastal region during 17th century?
A. Portuguese
B. Dutch
C. The House of Jagat Seth
D. Mulla Abdul Gaffar


Note: The English, French and Dutch East Indies Companies became active in far east trading in a meaningful way about a 100 and 50 years after the Portuguese. They too set-up their posts throughout the Indian Ocean.

By the middle of the 17th century there were several thousand Portuguese and Indo Portuguese in India and a relatively small population of other Indo-Europeans.

The Portuguese brought to India the cultivation of Tobacco, they also spread Catholicism in certain regions on India's Western and Eastern coasts.

The first printing press in India was set-up by the Portuguese at Goa in AD 1556. They established their trading stations at calicut, Cochin, Cannanore, Daman, Bombay and many more.


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