GK Quiz:National|International Organization Quiz-Part1

<b>National|International Organization Quiz-gk questions Part1</b>

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National|International Organization Quiz-Part1

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Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on National| International Organizations.

1.Where is the permanent secretariat of the SAARC?
A. Colombo
B. New Delhi
C. Kathmandu
D. Islamabad


Note: The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an economic and geographical organization of eight countries that are primarily located in South Asia. The member countries are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. SAARC was founded in 1985.

2. National AIDS research institute is at?
A. Pune
B. New Delhi
C. Bangalore
D. Mumbai


Note: NARI(National AIDS Research Institute) was established in Bhosari, Pune in October 1992.

3. Which one of the following represents the correct sequence of the countries included in the BRICS?
 A. Brazil,Russia, Indonesia, China, South Africa
B. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
C. Brazil, Romania, India, China, Spain
D. Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, China, Sudan

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

Note: all five are G-20 members.

4. The UN officially came into existence on?
A.      24 October 1945
B.      24 September 1945
C.      24 November 1945
24 December 1945

24 October 1945

Note: South Sudan is the latest country who become the 193rd member state of UN.

5.Where is the headquarters of INTERPOL?
  A. Paris
  B. London
  C. Geneva


Note: INTERPOL stands for International Criminal Police Organization, formed in 7th September 1923 and has headquarters in Lyon, France.

6. Non-alignment basically implies?
A. choosing its own policy
B. neutrality towards power blocks
C. bringing peace and unity to the world
D. being a third world power

neutrality towards power blocks

7.Headquarters of World Health Organization(WHO) are situated at?
D.New York

Geneva, Switzerland

8.The five permanent members of United Nations Security Council are?
A. Canada,France,China, UK,USA
B. Canada,Japan,China, UK,USA
C. Japan,France,China, UK,USA
D. Russia,France,China, UK,USA

Russia,France,China, UK,USA

9.The number of judges in International Court of Justice is?
A. 15
C. 20


Note: The ICJ is composed of 15judges elected to 9 years term by the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council.

10.The member states of the UNO have delegated the primary responsibility for maintaining world peace and security to the?
A. General Assembly
B. Economic and Social Council(EcoSoc)
C. Security Council
D. International Court Of Justice

Security Council

11. The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is in?
B. Washington


Note: The International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose,including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization on 29th July,1957.

The Current Director General (2021) of IAEA is Rafael Mariano Grossi.

12. Which of the following countries is not a member of the Nuclear Supplies Group(NSG)?
A. France
B. Iran


Note: NSG is a group of nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Note: It is a group of 48 countries. India and Pakistan are not members of NSG.

13.World Trade Organization has replaced?


Note: WTO headquarters is in Geneva.

14. The First African national to become Secretary General of UNO was?
A. Kofi Annan
B. Boutros Ghali
C. Nelson Mandela
D. Winni Mandela

Boutros Ghali

Note: Boutros Ghali was an academic and former Vice Foreign Minister of Egypt who was the 6th Secretary General of UN.

15.Which of the following organization has declared 2nd October as the International day of Non-Violence?
A. UN General Assembly
B. World Peace Forum
C. Gandhi Peace Foundation

UN General Assembly

Note: The day is observed as Gandhi Jayanthi in India


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