Which material was mainly used in manufacture of Harappan seals?

Previous Year Paper GK Questions and Answers:Terracotta and Seals

    Pre-Historic Period-Question 32

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers in English.32. Which one of the following materials was mainly used in the manufacture of Harappan seals?
A. Terracotta
B. Bronze

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History of Pre-Historic Period.

Q32. Which one of the following materials was mainly used in the manufacture of Harappan seals?
A. Terracotta
B. Bronze
C. Iron
D. Copper


🔑Key Points

✔Most of the seals were made of steatite, which is a kind of soft stone. A few of them were also made of terracotta, gold, agate, chert, ivory and faience. The standard Harappan seal was square in shape with a 2X2 dimension.

Seals are an impressive part of surviving art of Harappan culture. Of these the great majority have animals engraved on them and a short inscription. Terracotta which is a type of earthenware, or clay-based unglazed or glazed ceramic, where the fired body is porous.

✔Seals were largely used for trading activities during Harrapan period.

✔A few seals were also carried as amulets, perhaps as a kind of identity card. All the seals have pictures of animals with something written in a pictographic script (which is yet undeciphered). Mainly, the animals represented are tigers, elephants, bulls, bison, goats and so on.

✔Most of the seals have been written on both sides. The writings are in the Kharosthi style (right to left). Some seals have mathematical images and must have been used for educational purposes.

✔The most famous seal is the Pashupati Seal of Harappan civilization from Mohenjo Daro. It is a seal with a figure seated cross-legged in the centre with animals around; an elephant and a tiger to the right of the figure and rhino and a buffalo to its left.


*This Question is a part of previous year paper gk questions on .


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