
Showing posts with the label previous-year-ssc-quiz

Indian History gk questions:Medieval Period-Part 8

Previous Year Paper SSC Medieval History gk Questions with answers-Part8 Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History on Medieval Period of India.   Previous year paper ssc questions    GK Questions| Medieval History of India|    |   cgl previous year question   | multiple choice  |   previous year question papers  | competitive exam  | questions and answers  | Medieval History-Part 8 106. The Delhi Sultan who fell to his death while playing Polo was ? A. Qutb-ud-din Aibak B. Ala-ud-din Khilji C. Feroz Shah Tughlaq D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq Show Answer Qutb-ud-din Aibak Note: Qutb-ud-din Aibak was the first Sultan of Delhi and founder of the slave dynasty of India . He ruled for only 4 years, from 1206 to AD 1210. He died while playing Chaugan (Polo) at Lahore . 107. The Second Battle of Panipat

Indian History gk questions:Medieval Period-Part 7

Previous Year Paper SSC Medieval History gk Questions with answers-Part7 Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History on Medieval Period of India.   Previous year paper ssc questions    GK Questions| Medieval History of India|    |   cgl previous year question   | multiple choice  |   previous year question papers  | competitive exam  | questions and answers  | Medieval History-Part7 91. In Shivaji's Council of Ministers the Prime Minister was called ? A. Peshwa B. Sachiv C. Mantri D. Samanta Show Answer Peshwa Note: A Peshwa was the titular equivalent of a modern Prime Minister . Emperor Shivaji created the Peshwa designation in order to effectively delegate administrative duties during the growth of the Maratha empire. The word Peshwas has roots in the Persian language meaning ' foremost '. After the coronation of Shivaji in

Indian History gk questions:Medieval Period-Part 6

Previous Year Paper SSC Medieval History gk Questions with Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History on Medieval Period of India.   Previous year paper ssc questions    GK Questions| Medieval History of India|    |   cgl previous year question   | multiple choice  |   previous year question papers  | competitive exam  | questions and answers  | Medieval History-Part6 76. Ibn Batuta , the famous traveller came from ? A. Portugal B. Morocco C. China D. Tibet Show Answer Morocco Note: Ibn Batuta, also known as Shams-ud-din , was a Moroccan explorer, known for his extensive travels, accounts of which were published in the Rihia . He visited India during the reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq . 77. Who was the Guru of Shivaji ? A. Namdev B. Ramdas C. Eknath D. Tukaram Sh

Indian History gk questions:Medieval Period-Part 5

Previous Year Paper SSC Medieval History gk Questions with   Previous year paper ssc questions    GK Questions| Medieval History of India|    |   cgl previous year question   | multiple choice  |   previous year question papers  | competitive exam  | questions and answers  | Medieval History-Part5 Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History:Medieval Period of India. 61. Arabs were defeated in AD 738 by ? A. Pratiharas B. Rashtrakutas C. Palas D. Chalukyas Show Answer Chalukyas Note: The battle of Rajasthan is a battle(or series of battles) where the Hindu alliance defeated the Arab invaders in 738 CE and removed the Arab invaders. The main Indian kings who contributed to the victory over the Arabs were the North Indian ruler Nagabhatta of the Pratihara dynasty and the South Indian emperor Vikramaditya II of t