Indian History gk questions:Medieval Period-Part 7

Previous Year Paper SSC Medieval History gk Questions with answers-Part7

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History on Medieval Period of India.


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Medieval History-Part7

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91.In Shivaji's Council of Ministers the Prime Minister was called?
A. Peshwa
B. Sachiv
C. Mantri
D. Samanta


Note: A Peshwa was the titular equivalent of a modern Prime Minister. Emperor Shivaji created the Peshwa designation in order to effectively delegate administrative duties during the growth of the Maratha empire.

The word Peshwas has roots in the Persian language meaning 'foremost'. After the coronation of Shivaji in 1674, he appointed Moropant Trimbak Pingle as the first Peshwa.

Meaning of titular-holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority.

92. Which of the following treaties brought an end to the independent existence of Peshwa Baji Rao II.?
A. The treaty of Purandhar
B. Convention of Wadagaon
C. Treaty of Bassein
D. Treaty of Salbai

Treaty of Bassein

Note: The Treaty of Bassein was a pact signed on 31st December, 1802 between the British East India Company and Baji Rao II, the Maratha Peshwa of Pune in India after the battle of Poona(Pune).

The treaty was a decisive step in the dissolution of the Maratha Confederacy, which led to the East India Company's usurpation of the Peshwa's territories in Western India in 1818.

93. What do you mean by Mughal Zagir?
A. Providing rent free land
B. Giving officer a right to revenue.
C. Giving cash salary to Mansabdar
D. Zamindar's property

Giving officer a right to revenue

Note: Zagir was a piece of land held by the mansabdar which was granted by the Sultan. Mansabdars were given control over an area of land, a 'Zagir' they were paid in cash through a complicated accounting system, with deductions for various things including 'the rising of the moon'; it was a normal practice to pay for only 8 or 10 months in the year.

The Mansabdars were allowed to keep 5% of the income of the 'Zagir' or 5% of the salaries received. In Mughal period, Zagir was the practice giving officer a right to revenue.

94. Shahjahan built the Moti Masjid at ?
A. Delhi
B. Jaipur
C. Agra
D. Amarkot


Note: Shahjahan ruled from 1627-58 and constructed many world fame monuments. The Moti Masjid in Agra was built by Shah Jahan. Most famous of them is the Taj Mahal.

Moti Masjid earned the epithet pearl mosque for it shined like a pearl. It is said that this mosque was constructed by Shah Jahan for his members of royal court.

95. Muhammad-bin-Qasim conquered Sind in the year?
A. AD 712
B. AD 812
C.AD 912
D. AD 1012

AD 712

Note: The Arab conquest of Sind by Muhammad-bi-Qasim in AD 712 gave the Muslims a firm foothold on the subcontinent. Qasim's conquest of Sindh and Punjab laid the foundations of Islamic rule in the Indian subcontinent.

96. Who was the architect who designed 'Taj Mahal'?
A. Muhammad Hussain
B. Ustad-Isa
C. Shah Abbas
D. Ismail


Note: Isa Muhammad Effendi or Ustad Isa was a Persian architect from Iran, he and his colleague Ismail Effendi entered the service of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan after the Ottoman Sultan Murad IV and the Mughals exchanged ambassadors.

Isa Muhammad Effendi is often described as the chief architect of the Taj Mahal.

97. The writer of Ramcharit Manas, Tulsidas, was related to which ruler?
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Nawab Vajid Ali Shah
C. Harsha
D. Akbar


Note: Akbar and Tulsidas were contemporary. It was because of the close friendship between the two that Akbar ordered a firman that followers of Rama, Hanuman and other Hindus, should not be harassed in his kingdom.

Abdur Rahim Khankhana, famous Muslim poet who was one of the Navaratnas (nine-gems) in the court of the Mughal emperor Akbar, was a personal friend of Tulsidas.

98. Which of the following languages was in vogue during the Mughal period in the courts of India?
A. French
B. Persian
C. Portugese
D. Arabic


Note: Persian language became the Lingua Franca of the Mughal court and empire.

Although, early Mughals spoke the Chagatai language and maintained some Turko-mongol practices, they became persianized and thus transferred the Persian literary and culture to India.

Lingua Franca meaning-a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.

99. 'Din-i-Ilahi' was the new religion started by?
A. Humaayun
B. Jahangir
C. Akbar
D. Shah Jahan


Note: Din-i-Ilahi was a syncretic religious doctrine propounded by the emperor Jalalud-din Muhammad Akbar in year AD 1582, who ruled the Mughal empire from 1556 to 1605, intending to merge the best elements of the religions of his empire and thereby reconcile the differences that divided his subjects.

The elements were primarily drawn from Islam and Hinduism, but some others were also taken from Christainity, Jainism and Zorastrianism.

it is also accepted that the policy of sulh-i-kul, which formed the essence of Din-i-Ilahi, was adopted by Akbar as a part of general imperial administrative policy. Sulh-i-kul means "universal peace". He had to abstain from meat and give alms. There were no scriptures and priests. Birbal, Abul Fazal and Faizi joined the order.

100.The capital of the Bahamani kings was?
A. Gulbarga
B. Bijapur
C. Belgaum
D. Raichur


Note: Bahamani kingdom was founded in 1347, by Hasan Gangu. He reigned under the title of Ala-ud-din Bahmani or Bahman Shah

The city of Gulbarga was founded by the Bahmani Sultans in the 14th century as their capital. It remained the capital of the Bahmani Sultanate from 1347 to 1425 until Bidar was made the capital. Bidar continued as the capital till 1527.

101. Where did the traveller Ibn Batuta come from?
A. Morocco
B. Persia
C. Turkey
D. Central Asia


Note: Ibn Batuta was a Barber Muslim Moroccan explorer, known for his extensive travels accounts of which were published in the Rihla ('Journey')

Over a period of 30 years, he visited most of the known Islamic world as well as many non-muslim lands. His journeys including trips to North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the west and to the Middle-East, South Asia, Central Asia, South-East Asia and China in the east, a distance surpassing threefold his near-contemporary Marco Polo.

Ibn Batuta is considered one of the greatest travellers of all time. He visited India during the reign of Muhammad-bib-Tughlaq.

102. Name the river on the banks of which the city of Vijayanagara is located?.?
A. Kaveri
B. Krishna
C. Walinganga
D. Tungabhadra


Note: City of Vijayanagara lies on the South bank of the river Tungabhadra. This city was constructed around the centre of the Virupaksha temple at Hampi.

103. Who was the founder of the city of Agra?
A. Firoz Tughlaq
B. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
C. Alauddin Khilji
D. Sikander Lodhi

Sikander Lodhi

Note: Sikander Lodhi was the ablest of the 3 Lodhi rulers. He conquered Bihar and made a friendship treaty with Alu-ad-din-Hussain Shah of Bengal.

It is generally accepted that Sultan Sikander Lodhi, the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate founded Agra in the year 1504.

He moved his capital from Delhi to Agra in 1506. After the Sultan's death the city passed on to his son Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi who remained in power there for 9 more years, finally being defeated a the Battle of Panipat in 1526.

104. To end the 3rd Anglos-Mysore war, Tipu Sultan signed the following Treaty with the British.?
A. Treaty of Mangalore
B. Treaty of Srirangapatnam
C. Treaty of Mysore.
D. Treaty of Bidnur

Treaty of Srirangapatnam

Note: The Treaty of Srirangapatnam signed in 19th March,1792, ended the third Anglo Mysore war. Its signatories included Lord Cornwalis on behalf of the British East India Company, representatives of the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Maratha empire and Tipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore.

Tipu Sultan planted a Tree of Liberty at Sringapatnam and become a member of Jacobian club. Tarikh-i-Khudai is the autobiography of Tipu.

105. Which of the following was built by Akbar to commemorate his conquest of Khandesh in Gujarat?
A. Bada Imambara
B. Buland Darwaza
C. Jama Masjid
D. Siddi Bashir

Buland Darwaza

Note: Buland Darwaza, meaning 'high' or 'great' gate in Persian, is located in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra, India. It is also known as the 'Gate of Magnificence'; Akbar built Buland Darwaza to commemorate his victory over Gujarat



16.Ncert Medieval India Class 11 (History Textbook)


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