Indian History gk questions:Medieval Period-Part Four

Previous Year Paper SSC Medieval History gk Questions with


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Medieval History-Part4

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Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History:Medieval Period of India.

46. Before assuming the office of the Sultan of Delhi Balban was the Prime Minister of ?
A. Nasir-ud-din
B. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak
C. Bahrem Shah
D. Aram Shah


Note: Balban was the 9th sultan of the Mamluk dynasty who was initially the Prime Minister of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud from 1246 to 1266 and married his daughter.

Since Sultan Nasiruddin did not have male heir, after his death, Balban declared himself the Sultan of Delhi. Balban asccended the throne in AD 1266. He broke the power of Chahalgan and restored the prestige of the crown. To keep himself well informed Balban appointed spies.

47. Which of the following Mughal emperors is credited with composition of Hindi songs?
A. Babar
B. Akbar
C. Jahangir
D. Shahjahan


Note: Mughal emperor Jahangir, like his father Akbar, had keen interest in music and composed many songs in Hindi that were sufficiently melodious. Muhammad Salih and his brothers were famous singers of Hindi songs in his reign.

Jahangir is known for his strict administration of justice. He established Zanjir-i-Adal (chain of justice) at Agra Fort for the seekers of royal justice.

48. Which Sikh Guru called himself the 'Sachcha Badshah'?
A. Guru Gobind Singh
B. Guru Hargovind
C. Guru Tegh Bahadur
D. Guru Arjun Dev

Guru Tegh Bahadur

Note: Guru Tegh Bahadur became the 9th Guru of Sikhs on 20th March, 1665. Tegh Bahadur was given the title Bahadur by his father Guru Hargobind for his bravery in the battle field.

Later upon return to Eastern Punjab setting down at Anandpur his followers began to refer to him as the 'Sacha Bashah' (True king). Aurangzeb captured Guru Tegh Bahadur in 1675 and executed him when he refused to embrace Islam.

49. The first Indian Hindi scholar of the Mughal period was?
A. Malik Muhammad Jayasi
B. Abdur Rahim
C. Mullal Wajhi
D. Chand Bardai

Malik Muhammad Jayasi

Note: Malik Muhammad Jayasi was an Indian poet who wrote in the Avadhi. His most famous work is Padmavat, a poem describing the story of the historic siege of Chittor by Alauddin Khilji in AD 1303, who attacked Chittor after hearing of the beauty of Queen Rani Padmini.

She was the wife of king Ratan Singh. Some of the famous works compiled by Malik Muhammad Jayasi are Akhrawat and Akhiri Kalaam.

50. The Upanishads were translated by Dara Shikoh in Persian under the title of?
A. Mayma-ul-Bahrain
B. Sirr-i-Akbar
C. Al-Fihrist
D. Kitabul Bayan


Note: Dara Shikoh, brother of Aurangzeb, translated the Upanishads into Persian. His translation of the Upanishads is appropriately called Sirr-i-Akbar(The greatest Mystery). Aurangzeb defeated Dara Shikoh in the battle of Dharmat.

51. Alberuni came to India with?
A. Muhammad Ghauri
B. Mahmmud Ghazni
C. Babur
D. None of the above

Mahmmud Ghazni

Note: The first significant intrusion of Islam into India was led by Mahmmud of Ghazni. He assembled in his court and the university he established at Ghazni (in modern Afghanistan) the greatest scholars and writers of the age. One such scholar was Alberuni. Alberuni also composed Kitab-ul-Hind.

52. The Lodhi was founded by?
A. Ibrahim Lodhi
B. Sikander Lodhi
C. Bahlol Lodhi
D. Khizr Khan

Bahlol Lodhi

Note: Lodhi dynasty was a Pashutan dynasty that was the last dynasty to rule the Delhi Sultanate. The dynasty founded by Bahlul Lodhi ruled from 1451 to 1526. During the reign of Muhammad Shah, he served as the Subedar of Lahore and Sirhind.

The most successful war was against Mahmud Shah Sharqi of Jaunpur. He was succeeded by his able son Nizam Shah under the title of Sikander Lodhi in 1489. The last ruler of this dynasty, Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated and killed by Babur in the first Battle of Panipat on 20th April, 1526.

53. Who among the following was an illiterate?
A. Jahangir
B. Shah Jahan
C. Akbar
D. Aurangazeb


Note: Akbar spent his childhood in the rough Tarain of Afghanistan. His early years were spent learnig how to hunt, fight and mature into a skillful warrior. He did not find time to read and write and was illiterate.

But his illiteracy did not hamper his quest for knowledge and desire to know about new things. Akbar had a good collection of books and scriptures and his courtiers read out the books for him.

54. Which battle did open the Delhi area to Muhammad Ghori?
A. First Battle of Panipat
B. First Battle of Tarain
C. Second Battle of Tarain
D. Battle of Khanwa

Second Battle of Tarain

Note: Prithviraj III defeated the invading army of Muhammad Ghori in 1191 in the First Battle of Tarain near Thaneshwar. But in the Second Battle of Tarain in 1192, Prithviraj was defeated, capture and executed. The victory of Muhammad of Ghori was decisive and laid the foundation of Sultanate of Delhi.

55. Vijay Stambha at Chittor was built by?
A. Maharana Pratap
B. Rana Sangram Singh
C. Rana Kumbha
D. Rana Ratan Singh

Rana Kumbha

Note: Vijay Stambha meaning 'Tower of Victory', located in Chittorgarh first of Rajasthan was built by Rana Kumbha at Chittorgarh fort to commomerate his victory over the combined armies of Malwa and Gujarat.

56. Where did Babur die?
A. Agra
B. Kabul
C. Lahore
D. Delhi


Note: Babur was the founder of the Mughal empire in India. He was born on 15th February, 1484. He succeeded his father, Umar Sheikh Mirza, as the ruler of Farghana in Central Asia at the age of 11. Babur died on 26th December, 1530 at Agra.

Though, he wished to be buried in his favourite garden in a mausoleum in the capital city of Agra. His remains were later moved to Bagh-e Babur (Babur Gardens) in Kabul, Afghanistan.

57. Who wrote Akbarnama?
A. Akbar
B. Birbal
C. Abdul Fazal
D. Bhagwan Das

Abdul Fazal

Note: The Akbarnama, which literally means Book of Akbar, is the official chronicle of the reign of Akbar, written by his court historian and biographer, Abdul Fazal who was one of the 9 jewels in Akbar's court. It includes vivid and detailed descriptions of his life and times. Abdul Fazal was a profound thinker and writer, he also composed Ain-i-Akbari.

58. What was the age of Akbar at the time of his coronation at Kalanaur?
A. 13
B. 15
D. 20


Note: Akbar was 13 years old when he was crowned at Kalanaur in on 14th February, 1556, but he could consolidate his position only after the second battle of Panipat, fought against Muhammad Adil Sur's Wazir Hemu. At the time of his accession to the throne, Mughal rule was confined to Kabul, Kandahar, parts of Punjab and Delhi.

59. Bahadur Shah was the?
A. last ruler of the Lodhi dynasty
B. successor of Sher Shah Suri
C. last Mughal Ruler
D. successor of the Maratha ruler Shivaji

last Mughal Ruler

Note: Bahadur Shah was the last Mughal Ruler who was confined by the British to the Red Fort. During the revolt of 1857, he was proclaimed the emperor by the rebels. He was deported to Rangoon following the 1857 rebellion.

60. The Khilji Sultans of Delhi were?
A. Mongols
B. Afghans
C. Turks
D. A Jat Tribe


Note: The Khiljis were probably of Turkish origin, but had become Afghan in nature. The replacement of ilbari dynasty by Khilji dynasty is termed as Khilji Revolution.

The Khiljis ruled large parts of South Asia between 1290 and 1320. They were the second dynasty to rule the Delhi Sultanate of India.

Led by their ruler, Alauddin Khilji, they are noted for having repeatedly defended India against the Mongol invasions of India.


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