Previous year ssc Indian History:Dynasties of Ancient India-Part3

Previous Year Paper ssc Indian History:Dynasties of Ancient India gk Questions with answers-Part3


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   Dynasties of Ancient India-Part3

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Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History:Dynasties of Ancient India.

1.Who among the following built the famous Khajuraho temple?
A. The Pala Kings
B. The Chandela Kings
C. Vikramaditya
D. The Jain monks of Central India

The Chandela Kings

Note: The Khajuraho group of temples were built during the rule of Chandela dynasty between 10th and 11th century. The construction of the temple took 100 years to complete. The Khajuraho group of monuments has been listed as a UNESCO world heritage sites. 

Sir Alexander Cunningham, the father of Indian archaeology, explored the site on behalf of the Archaeological Survey of India.

Alexander Cunningham, the first Director-General of the Archaeological Survey of India is often called the father of Indian Archaeology.

The surveys of Cunningham led to several discoveries such as monolithic capitals and other remains of Asoka, specimens of architecture of Gupta and post-Gupta period; great stupa of Bharhut; identification of ancient cities namely: Sankisa, Sravasti and Kausambi.

 Cunningham also brought to prominence the Gupta temples at Tigawa, Bilsar, Bhitargaon, Kuthra, Deogarh and Gupta inscriptions at Eran, Udayagiri and other places.

2.The king who is described as the 'Indian Napolean' for his expansionist policies?
A. Samudragupta
B. Kumaragupta
C. Chandragupta I
D. Chandragupta II


Note: According to Historian V.A Smith, Samudragupta, the ruler of Gupte empire is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history.

Samudragupta is known as 'Naepolean of India'.

Samudragupta adopted the policy of 'Digvijaya' , which meant the conquest and annexation of all territories.

 His greatest achievement was the political unification of most of the India into a unique power. Samudragupta assumed the title of Maha Rajadhiraja(The king of the Kings).

3. Coins made of metal, first appeared in?
A.Harappan Civilization
B. the age of Buddha
C. later Vedic age
D.age of the Mauryas

the age of Buddha

Note: Metal currency was minted in India well before the Mauryan empire (322–185 BC).Coins made of metal are first appeared at the time period Gautama buddha.

The first Indian coins were minted around the 6th century BC by the Mahajanapadas of the Indo-Gangentic plain.

The coins of this period were punch marked coins called Puranas, Karshapanas or pana.

Early coins of India(400 BC- AD 100) were made of silver and copper with bore animal and plant symbols on them.

4. Who was the Chola king who brought Ganga from North to South?
A.    Raja Raja Chola
B.     Mahendra
C.     Rajendra Chola I
D.     Parantaka

Rajendra Chola I

Note: Rajendra Chola I extended the influences of the already vast Chola empire up to the banks of the river Ganges in the North and across the ocean.

 Rajendra's territories extended coastal Burma, the Andaman and Nicober islands, Lakshadweep, Maldives, conquered the kings of Srivijaya (Sumatra, Java and Malay peninsula in South-East Asia) and Peguis land with his fleet of ships.

5.What was Chandragupta II also known as?
  A. Samudra Gupta
  B. Skandagupta
  C. Ranagupta
  D. Vikramaditya


Note: Chandragupta II was the third ruler of the Gupta empire of India who adopted the title of Vikramaditya.

 Kalidasa credits Chandragupta Vikramaditya with having conquered about 21 kingdoms. The title of 'Vikramaditya' was later used by 16th century Hindu king Samrat Hemachandra.

Kalidasa was a Classical Sanskrit author who is often considered ancient India's greatest playwright and dramatist.

 Kalidasa is known as 'Prince of Indian Poets' and 'Indian Shakespeare' . He lived during the reign of Gupta King Chandragupta II.

 Kalidasa was one among the Nine Jewels or Navaratnas in the court of Chandragupta II.

6.Satavahanas minted their coins predominantly in ?
A. Lead
B. silver
C. Gold
D. Copper


Note: The satavahana kings mostly minted their coins in lead. Next to lead they used an alloy of Silver and copper, called 'potin'. 

The Satavahana coins were devoid of any beauty or artistic merit, they constitute a valuable source material for the dynastic history of the Satavahanas.

Satavahanas  are the first native Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers. Satavahana coins give indications about chronology, language and even facial expression.

7.The 'Kannauj assembly' organized by Harsha was held in honour of?

B.Hiuen Tsang
C. I-Tsang
D. Megasthenes

Hiuen Tsang

Note: The purpose of this assembly was to simplify the doctrines of Mahayanism

This assembly was convened in AD 643 and was attended by kings of 18 countries, 3000 Brahmanas and Jains, 3000 Buddhist monks of Mahayana and Hinayana sects and 1000 Buddhist monks of Nalanda Vihara. 

 Hiuen Tsang presided the assembly.The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang well known as prince of Pilgrims.

8.Which of the following was not composed by Harsha Vardhana?
A. Harshacharita
B. Ratnavali
C. Priyadarshika
D. Nagananda


Note: Harshavardhana or Harsha was the  emperor of Vardhana Dynasty(capital Kannauj) . He ruled North India from 606 to 647 AD

Harshacharita is the biography of  Harshavardhana which was composed by Bana Bhatta, who was a Sanskrit writer of 7th century of India. He was the 'Court Poet' of king Harsha.

Harshavardhana was not only a patron of learning, but was himself an accomplished author. 

Harshavardhana wrote three Sanskrit plays : Nagananda, Ratnavali, and Priyadarshika.

9.Which event brought about a profound change in Ashoka's administrative policy?
A. The third Buddhist Council
B.  The Kalinga war.
C.  His embracing of Buddhism
D. His sending of missionary to Ceylon.

The Kalinga war.

Note: The Kalinga war prompted Ashoka to devote the rest of his life to ahimsa and to relate peace, harmony and prosperity.

10.In which state was the Nalanda University located in India?
A. West Bengal
B. Odisha
C. Bihar
D. Uttar Pradesh


Note: Nalanda was a Buddhist centre of learning located in Bihar.

Nalanda was supported by the patronage of Hindu Gupta rulers as well as Buddhist emperors like Harsha and later emperors from the Pala empire.

Nalanda flourished under the patronage of Gupta empire in the 5th and 6th centuries and later under Harsha.

11.Great Stupa at Sachi is in ?
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Bihar
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. West Bengal

Madhya Pradesh

Note: The great Stupa at Sanchi was originally commissioned by the emperor Ashoka in the 3rd Century BC. It is located in Raisen district of the state of Madhya Pradesh.

The nucleus of stupa was a hemispherical brick structure built over the relics of Buddha. It was crowned by the 'Chhatra', a parasol like structure symbolising high rank which was intended to honour and shelter the relics.

12.Charak was the famous court physician of ?
A. Kanishka
B. Harsha
C. Chandragupta Maurya
D. Ashoka


Note: Great scholars, Asvaghosa(the Buddhist poet), Nagarjuna(the philosopher), Samgharaksha(the chaplain), Mathara(the politician), Vasumitra(the Buddhist scholar), Charaka(the physician) and Agisala(the engineer)adorned the court of Kanishka.

The two important Physicians during the period of Kanishka were Charaka and Susruta.

Charaka was Court Physician of Kanishka. He was one of the principle contributors to Ayurveda medicine in ancient India.

Susruta was ancient Indian Physician. He is called ' Father of Surgery' in India. Susruta Samhita is written by Susruta.

13. The 'Seven Pagodas' of Mahabalipuram are a witness to the art patronised by the?
 A. Mauryas
B. Pallavas
C. Guptas
D. Cholas


Note: 'Seven Pagodas' was the nick name for the South Indian city of Mahabalipuram.

Mahabalipuram's seashore temple, built in the 8th century CE under the reign of Pallava king Narasimhavarman II, stands at the shore of the Bay of Bengal.

14.The rulers of Vijayanagara promoted?
A.     Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit
B.      Malayalam, Tamil and Sanskrit
C.      Tamil,Telugu, and Sanskrit
D.      Telugu, Urdu and Sanskrit

Tamil,Telugu, and Sanskrit

Note: Telugu culture reached at its zenith during the Vijayanagara ruler Krishna devaraya. The vijayanagara period was the golden age of Telugu literature.

The Sanskrit literature was given patronage by the Vijayanagara kings. The early kings of the Sangama dynasty patronised the Sringeri saints. Krishna Devaraya also patronised Tamil poet, Harihara.

15.During  which Gupta king's reign did the Chinese traveller Fa-Hein visit India?
  A. Chandragupta I
  B. Samudragupta 
  C. Chandragupta II
  D. Kumaragupta

Chandragupta II

Note: Fa-Hein arrived during the reign of Chandragupta II and gave a general description of North India at that time. Especially, he reported about the absence of capital punishment.

The title of the book, Fa-Hein wrote about India was Fo-Kwo-Ki( The travels of Fa-Hein)


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