Previous year ssc Indian History:Dynasties of Ancient India-Part6

Previous Year Paper ssc Indian History:Dynasties of Ancient India gk Questions with answers-Part6


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Dynasties of Ancient India-Part6

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Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History:Dynasties of Ancient India.

1. Which rulers built the Ellora temples?
A. Rashtrakuta
B. Chalukya
C. Sunga
D. Pallava


Note: These religious establishments could have received royal patronage from various dynasties, even though inscriptional evidences are lacking for most of them.

The only definite inscriptional evidence is that of Rashtrakuta Dantidurga (c. 753-57 A.D.) on the back wall of the front mandapa of Cave 15. The caves become steadily larger and more elaborately decorated as they progress to the north, which scholars have explained by the growing need to compete with Hinduism for patronage.

2. The Saka era commencing AD 78 was founded by?
A. Kanishka
B. Ashoka
C. Chandragupta
D. Vikramaditya


Note: The date of Kanishka's accession is disputed, ranging from 78 to 248. The generally accepted data of 78 is also the basis for an era presumably started by the Shakas and used in addition to the Gregorian calendar by the present day Indian Government.

3. Who among the following were contemporaries of Kanishka?
A. Kamban, Banabhatta, Asvagosha
B. Nagarjuna, Asvagosha, Vasumitra
C. Asvagosha,Kalidasa, Banabhatta
D. Kalidasa, Kamban, Vasumitra

Nagarjuna, Asvagosha, Vasumitra

Note: The eminent Buddhist writers Nagarjuna, Asvagosha and Vasumitra flourished at the court of Kanishka. Nagarjuna was the great exponent of Mahayana doctrine and Aswagosha, a multifaceted personality, was known as a poet, musician, scholar and zealous Buddhist monk. Vasumitra presided over the fourth Buddhist Council.

Exponent:-a person who actively supports or favours a cause

multifaceted:-ambidextrous, having many facets or aspects.

4. The famous Kailash temple cut out of the solid rock at Ellora was built under the patronage of the?
A. Cholas
B. Kadambas
C. Pallavas
D. Rashtrakutas


Note: Kailash Nath temple is a famous temple, one of the 34 monasteries and temples, known collectively as the Ellora caves which was built by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I.

5. Which of the following was the capital of the Chola kings?
A. Kanchi
B. Tanjore
D. Trichirapally


Note: Tanjore, first rose to prominence during the reign of the medieval Cholas when it served as the capital of the Chola empire. After the fall of the Cholas, the city was ruled by various dynasties.

6. Who built Khajuraho temples?
A. Holkars
B. Scindias
C. Bundela Rajputs
D. Chandella Rajputs

Chandella Rajputs

Note: Khajuraho has the largest group of medieval Hindu and Jain temples, famous for their erotic sculptures. The city was the cultural capital of Chandella Rajputs, a Hindu dynasty that ruled this part of India from the 10th-12th centuries.

Khajuraho temples were built over a span of 200 years, from 950 to1150. The chandella capital was moved to Mahoba after this time, but Khajuraho continued to flourish for sometime. Khajuraho has no forts because the Chandella Kings never lived in their cultural capital.

7. The Pallavas ruled from?
A. Kanchipuram
B. Madurai
D. Tirunchendur


Note: The Pallavas ruled regions of Northern Tamil Nadu and southern Andhra Pradesh. Their capital was Kanchipuram located on the banks of river Vegavathy, it served as the capital city of the Pallava kingdom during the AD 4th to 9th century.

8. The Gupta king who assumed the title of 'Vikramaditya' was?
A. Skandagupta
B. Samudragupta
C. Chandragupta II
D. Kumaragupta

Chandragupta II

Note: Chandragupta II was one of the most powerful emperors of the Gupta empire. He adopted the title of Vikramaditya which holds a semi-mythical status in India.

Chandragupta II, son of Samudragupta, was one of the most powerful emperors of the Gupta empire in northern India. Under his rule the Gupta Empire achieved its zenith, art, architecture, and sculpture flourished, and the cultural development of ancient India reached its climax.

9. Which ruler murdered his father, Bimbisara to ascend the throne?
A. Ashoka
B. Ajatasatru
C. Kanishka
D. Simukha


Note: Ajatasatru was a king of the Magadha empire in North India. According to the Jain tradition, Bimbisara committed suicide while according to the Buddhist tradition, he was brutally murdered by his son, Ajatasatru.

10. The last Buddhist king who was a great sanskrit scholar and a writer was?
A. Kanishka
B. Ashoka
C. Bimbisara
D. Harsha Vardhana

Harsha Vardhana

Note: Harsha Vardhana was a good scholar and a noted author. He wrote three plays in Sanskrit namely, Ratnavali, Priyadarsika and Nagananda. We can find well documented record of his reign in the work of his court poet Banabhatta.

11.Who established Mahabalipuram?
A. Pallava
B. Pandya
C. Chola
D. Chalukya


Note: Mahabalipuram was a 7th century port city of the South Indian dynasty of the Pallavas near the city of Chennai in Tamilnadu.

The name Mamallapuram is believed to have been given after the Pallava king Narasimhavarman I, who took on the epithet Mahamalla as the favourite sport of the Pallavas was wrestling.

Took on:-to begin to perform or deal with or undertake.

Epithet:-any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality.

12. A great astronomer and mathematician during the Gupta period was?
A. Bhanugupta
B. Vagabhatta
C. Aryabhatta
D. Varahamihira


Note: Aryabhatta was the first great mathematician astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy who belonged to the Gupta era. His period was AD 476-550.

13. Which of the following Gupta kings stopped the Huns from invading India?
A. Kumaragupta
B. Samudragupta
C. Skandagupta
D. Chandragupta


Note: Skandagupta was a Gupta emperor. He is generally considered the last of the great Gupta emperors, who faced some of the greatest challenges. He crushed the Hun invasion in 455. However, the expense of the wars drained the empire's resources and contributed to its decline.

14. The capital of Kanishka was?
A. Purushapura
B. Banaras
C. Allahabad
D. Sarnath


Note: The capital of Kanishka was Purushapura.The Kushan king Kanishka, moved the capital from Pushkalavati (now called Charsadda in the Peshawar valley) to Purushapura(Peshawar) in the AD 2nd century. Following this move by the Kushans, Peshawar become a great centre of Buddhist learning.

15. Which rulers built the Ellora temples?
A. Chalukya
B. Sunga
C. Rashtrakuta
D. Pallava


Note: Ellora is an archaeological site near the city of Aurangabad in Maharashtra built by the Rashtrakuta dynasty. The Ellora Caves represents the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture.

The 35 "caves" - actually structures excavated out of the vertical face of the Charanandri hills - comprised of Buddhist, Hindu and Jain cave temples and monasteries, were built between the 5th century and 10th century.


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