In Mohanjodharo largest building is?

GK Questions and Answers-Largest building in Mohanjodharo


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    Pre-Historic Period-Question 2

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz::Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on prehistoric period of India.Q1.Worship of mother Goddess was associated with?

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History of Pre-Historic Period.

Q2. In Mohanjodharo, the largest building is?
A. The Great bath
B. A Granary
C. The Pillared Hall
D. A Two Storeyed House

A Granary

🔑Key Points

The "granary" of Harappa is found on Mound F. It is a brick structure that was built on a massive brick foundation over 45 meters north south and 45 meters east-west. The granary has rectangular and squarish chambers. Its floor is made of ramped earth and plastered with mud.

Two rows of six rooms that appear to be foundations are arranged along a central passageway that is about 7 meters wide and partly paved with baked bricks. Each room measures 15.2 by 6.1 meters and has three sleeper walls with air space between them.

A wooden superstructure supported in some places by large columns would have been built on top of the brick foundations, with stairs leading up from the central passage area. Small triangular opening may have served as air ducts to allow the flow of fresh air beneath the hollow floors.

The “beautifully made” granary, with walls of mud-bricks, which are still in a remarkably good condition, has been discovered in the just-concluded excavation at Rakhigarhi village, a Harappan civilisation site, in Haryana.

The discovery of two more mounds in Rakhigarhi in January this year led to Dr. Shinde arguing that it is the biggest Harappan civilisation site. There are about 2,000 Harappan sites in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The total area of Rakhigarhi was 350 hectares. It thus overtook Mohenjo-daro with about 300 hectares, in Pakistan, in laying claim to be the biggest Harappan site.

The Rakhigarhi site belongs to the mature Harappan phase, which lasted from 2600 BCE to 2000 BCE. The teams have also found artefacts, including a seal and potsherd, both inscribed with the Harappan script.

In Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, granaries were found in citadels, where the ruling elite lived. So mound number four in Rakhigarhi, where the granary was found, could have been the settlement’s citadel.

Rakhigarhi is situated in the confluence of Ghaggar and Chautang rivers and it was a fertile area. According to Dr. Shinde, Rakhigarhi must have grown a lot of food grains. And they could have been stored in the granary to pay for the artisans or other sections of society or to meet any crisis.


*This Question is a part of previous year paper gk questions on .


3.NCERT Text Books

More Questions on Pre-Historic Period of India


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