Meaning of Word 'Sangham' in Sangham age?

Previous Year Paper GK Questions and Answers-Sangham Age


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    Pre-Historic Period-Question 6

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz::Previous year paper gk questions with answers in English.6.the meaning of the word 'Sangham' in the Sangham age?A. Royal court

Daily Online General Knowledge Quiz:Previous year paper gk questions with answers and explanation in English on Indian History of Pre-Historic Period.

6. What is the meaning of the word 'Sangham' in the Sangham age?
A. Royal court
B. Meeting of rivers
C. Assembly of religious leaders
D. Assembly of poets

Assembly of poets

🔑Key Points

The Sangam period or age or the third Sangam period, is the period of history of ancient Tamil Nadu, Kerala and parts of Sri Lanka (then known as Tamilakam) beginning from c. 6th century BCE to c. 3rd century CE.

It was named after the famous Sangam academies of poets and scholars centred in the city of Madurai.

According to Tamil legends, there were three Sangam periods, namely Head Sangam, Middle Sangam and Last Sangam period. Historians use the term Sangam period to refer the last of these, with the first two being legendary. So it is also called Last Sangam period or Third Sangam period.

The Sangam literature is thought to have been produced in three Sangam academies of each period. The evidence on the early history of the Tamil kingdoms consists of the epigraphs of the region, the Sangam literature, and archaeological data.

Tamilakam's history is split into three periods; prehistoric, classical and medieval.

A vast array of literary, epigraphical and inscribed sources from around the world provide insight into the socio-political and cultural occurrences in the Tamil region.

The Sangam literature historically known as 'the poetry of the noble ones' implies the ancient Tamil literature and is the earliest known literature of South India.

Sangam literally means "gathering, meeting, fraternity, academy".

The Sangam literature offers a glimpse into some aspects of the ancient Tamil culture, secular and religious beliefs, and the people. For example, in the Sangam era Ainkurunuru poem 202 is one of the earliest mentions of "pigtail of Brahmin boys". These poems also suggest to historical incidents, ancient Tamil kings, the effect of war on loved ones and households.

The Pattinappalai poem in the Ten Idylls group, for example, paints a description of the Chola capital, the king Karikal, the life in a harbor city with ships and merchandise for seafaring trade, the dance troupes, the bards and artists, the worship of the Hindu god Murugan and the monasteries of Buddhism and Jainism.

This Sangam era poem remained in the active memory and was significant to the Tamil people centuries later, as proved by its mention nearly 1,000 years later in the 11th- and 12th-century inscriptions and literary work.

The Sangam poetry focused on the culture and people. It was almost entirely non-religious, except for the occasional mentions of the Hindu gods and more substantial mentions of various gods in the shorter poems.


*This Question is a part of previous year paper gk questions on .


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